Industry NewsWith the first gravity base foundation being installed back in August 2022, French offshore windfarm Fecamp has reached its latest milestone with almost half of it’s turbines being installed.
15th of January 2023 saw 37 out of the 71 units installed across the 498MW offshore wind site. Installation works continue with more than 1000 workers being mobilised on a daily basis across e Havre, Cherbourg and Fecamp to ensure a smooth process is continued.
Based 13km off the Normandy coast, the offshore wind farm has been producing green electricity into the grid since last summer, with capacity soon to reach near 250MW.
A milestone for all the team at Fecamp with more to come, congratulations!
For further information about Fecamp or upcoming roles across renewable energy projects in France, please contact our UK office on hello@lsprenewables.com