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241 days ago


Industry News

Source - reNews -  RWE bags permit for 660MW Nordseecluster A - reNews - Renewable Energy News 


An ambitious offshore wind farm in the German North Sea, has been granted permits. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency has approved the first phase of RWE’s North Sea Cluster offshore wind projects.

Set to begin in 2025, the construction of North Sea Cluster A, which boasts a capacity of 660MW, with full commissioning expected by early 2027. The subsequent phase, North Sea Cluster B, will add another 900MW of capacity.

RWE recently committed to investing in the entire cluster, having already selected suppliers for the main components. Sven Utermohlen, CEO of RWE Offshore Wind, expressed his satisfaction: 

"I am very pleased that with the approvals from the BSH for the North Sea Cluster A, the lights are now green and that we can start construction at sea next year. We already have six wind farms off the German coasts in our portfolio. With the North Sea Cluster, we are continuing to drive forward the expansion of offshore wind energy.This is a good signal for the energy transition in Germany and for RWE."

The North Sea Cluster will be situated approximately 46 km north of Borkum and 50 km north of Juist. Production of some components for the first phase is already underway, with at-sea construction slated to commence next year. North Sea Cluster A will feature 44 wind turbines, each with a 15MW capacity, fully grid-connected by early 2027. The generated electricity will be routed via the DolWin Kappa converter platform.

The second phase, North Sea Cluster B, will contribute an additional 900MW and is expected to be operational by early 2029. RWE continues to cement its position as one of the global leader in the offshore wind sector.


Source - reNews