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217 days ago


Industry News

Source - reNews - Finland reveals plan to boost offshore wind

In October 2023, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed a working group to examine ways to improve Finland’s competitive position in offshore wind power production compared with other Baltic Sea countries and to promote other targets on offshore wind power set out in the government programme.

The proposals included in the report published by the working group this week form an action plan for the promotion of the sector.
Finland has considerable potential for offshore wind energy, and project developers have become more interested in both territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone. However, the rules on offshore wind power have been found to be lacking, especially as regards the exclusive economic zone. For that reason, the rules are being revised, said the government department.

Last autumn, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment also launched a legislative project on offshore wind power in the exclusive economic zone. The draft bill was circulated for comments in spring 2024.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance is currently preparing legislative amendments concerning taxation of real estate and income in Finland’s exclusive economic zone.

The action plan includes 17 development proposals and the working group considers in terms of promoting offshore wind energy, it is essential to set clear long-term objectives, improve national coordination and ensure offshore wind power is compatible with other users of marine areas with minimal harmful effects on those users.

The premise of the work is that offshore turbines will be built on market terms.

As a rule, the proposed measures concern Finland’s exclusive economic zone and territorial waters, with the exception of the sea area under Åland’s control. However, some of the proposed measures may also promote offshore wind power in Åland.


Source - reNews